Today is Morgan's First Birthday! We are excited to celebrate it on Friday, but today we gave her, her presents, went to story time at the library and plan on doing some-more fun activities.
A few things Morgan does now that she is one:
*She has 4 top teeth, 2 bottom teeth, and one molar
*She weighs more than 20 pounds (we weighed her at the airport)
*She started walking at 9.5 months
*She loves to go upstairs, and has taken a few tumbles since she thinks she can walk down them.
*She loves to eat fruit, and vegetables, likes gold fish and graham crackers.
*She loves animals, especially Ben and Megan's Dogs, and the duck pond Ducks.
*She can make the sounds of ducks, dogs, and does a fish sound (Devynn taught her this)
*She loves to make her funny face.
*She loves to climb on anything and thinks she can conquer the world.
*She can sign more, thank you and please.
*I love her open mouth kisses, that gets slobber everywhere.
*I love how she dances, with her legs a little bent and bounces up and down.
*I love watching her clap and dance at story time.
*I love how she tries to hug and kiss everyone
*I miss The little bird face and sounds she would make.
*I miss Her clawing