Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Morgan has been especially cute these days, it makes me realise I LOVE two year olds. She is obsessed with changing her clothes, hanging and swinging from anything with a ledge, and chap stick.

I just wanted to make sure I remember what she is like at this age, because it is priceless. She is so capable it amazes me. Her vocabulary grows ever day, and I keep thinking she knows that word? no way.

On Saturday we went to the grocery to get food for Sunday dinner and we went to the salad dressing isle and the baking isle was on the other side, we were looking at different dressing when Morgan bolted to the marshmallows and grabs a bag, hugs it and says "these are my favorite!" I had no clue she could be so adorable, so she got her favorite marshmallows and I learned she knew the word favorite.

If you see Morgan more than 1 time in a day you will see her in a different outfit. It is quite fun to see the different outfits she comes up with (as you see pictured above).


Lindsey said...

Morgan is so cute! I can't believe how old she looks in that picture. I can't wait to get these kiddos together this summer. I know Graham will love following Morgan around and trying to do everything she does.

Megan and Ben Smith said...

She has gotten so big! I can't believe it! Such a cutie!

Lauren said...

she IS a cutie! adorable little sidekick for you.

ps did you send me something - a draft? I remember getting a message from you but there was nothing attached. maybe I dreamed it? :)

Ryan and Ashley said...

I love Morgan! I love 2 year old too. It's by far the best age so far! Although I love the brand new stage too.