Monday, April 27, 2009

Morgans Blessing

Morgan, Aunt Devynn's Favorite Niece

Gigi aka Great Grandma MacLennan (she has asked to be called that)
and Great Grandpa MacLennan

Grandma Snyder made Morgan this cute bracelet.

Morgan with her Daddy.


Morgan had really really cute booties on- which I will have to take a new picture of.

Grandma Snyder

Great Grandpa Snyder -
His wife is who Morgan was named after.

Grandma and Grandpa MacLennan
it is funny to call them that

The MacLennan Side

On Sunday, Since my family was in town for Graduation, we decided it would be a perfect time to bless Morgan. It was a wonderful Blessing and we are glad that a lot of family could make it out. Thank you who came and supported us.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Well even though most of you probably thought that I had graduated, it was fake, I 100 % completely graduated this week. I finished formal classes about a year and a half ago but I took some fun classes, and then had Morgan so I didn't formally graduate until thursday. It was fun and enjoyable and I am glad that I did it. My family came down including my Grandma and Grandpa. 

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Happy Easter

Morgan hiding in the big person towel.

Morgan just loves her baths so she is always so happy and talking after each one. I think they are the highlight of my day.

Morgan and I on Easter Sunday. She likes to have a concerned look on her face.

Grandma Snyder gave Morgan some bunny ears for Easter,
I am not sure if she appreciated wearing them.

I finally found the cord for the camera, so here are some pictures of our cute morgan after her baths and at Easter.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Graduation Trip

I am excited because after Graduation we are going on a trip to see some of our favorite people. Jenna and Tyler Swinton (shown above in front of the Washington D.C. Temple) and Kristy and Joel Williams (shown with cute little baby Thomas). We are leaving April 29th hat 9:50 am and getting to D.C. at 5:10, it will be interesting to see how Morgan does with that. Then we are leaving D.C. on Monday May 4th and going to Boston and will arrive at 8:32 am to be exact. Then we will head back to Provo on Thursday the 7th in the afternoon. Then when we get back to Provo we will either hang out for a day or just drive straight to Canada for a Summer for fun.

New Website

Today is a wonderful day because, I think I am officially finished working on the astro jump website, you should check out my hard work with the help of split five. I also created a blog for astro jump you can check it out at

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Where did Morgan go?

Since I can't find the camera cord here is a little video of our cute little babe. I am not sure if others enjoy watching these but I do, so hopefully you enjoy Morgan's Cuteness!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Morgans 2 months Check-Up

Well Morgan turned 2 months last Thursday. I was waiting to upload some pictures, but it is now 1 week later and I still can't find the cord, so I am going to do a written report. Morgan got her check up and she was a whole 10 pounds 2 oz. She was 23 inches long and had a head circumference of 39 inches. So she has grow from 7 pounds 2 oz at birth to 8pounds 5 oz at 2 weeks to 10 pounds 2 oz at her 2 month. She got her second round of shots and it was sad to hear her blood curdling scream, but I would much rather her get a shot then to have polio so she got all her shots, and her next round will be at 4 months. Unlike Morgans "large" cousin Thomas, Morgan is in the 50% percentile for all of her measurements with a few a bit higher than 50 but not in the 75% percentile. If you haven't noticed Morgan has a little "stork" bite on her forhead, it is really small and should go away by the time she is 2 or sooner. For 2 months old Morgan is a go getter, she loves to move around and she love to use her legs, we hold her balance but she loves to stand. She talks to use many times a day and we are loving watching her smile at us.

**for your information: Morgan will be blessed on the April 26th in Provo at 11:00, we would love everyone that can make it to attend, but don't feel any pressure, we are sure we will see you sometime in the upcoming summer. This is also the weekend that I will finally be walking for graduation.