Sunday, February 26, 2012


 We caught something at Nursery (gotta love that), and Morgan got a really bad fever and a little bit of a cough. Monday she was just out of it. Tuesday she was just laying on the couch till around 3 then she got a little bit of energy back, and then on Wednesday I thought she may die (I am being over dramatic). Her fever got all the way upto 104.1. So we pretty much went into hibernation. Now that she is better, I got something I am not sure if it is from the lack of sleep or what.
 Morgan was so sick she didn't even want to lick her Popsicle.
This is the picture of when I asked her if she wanted to go and run some errands. 
We didn't end up leaving the house.


Pierce + Stacy Thiot said...

Sad. Poor Morgan. She looks BEAUTIFUL in that last picture. You're lucky to have such a gorgeous family!

Nikki & Drew said...

only morgan can look that pretty while sick