Monday, February 9, 2009

Baby Bjorn

Morgan after her bath, we are trying the bed time routine with lavender wash.

Directly after the bath, she is adorable.

The bjorn. She loves it!

I may not look my best, but this helps me get stuff done.

My mother and father purchased a baby bjorn for each of the kids, I wasn't sure if the investment was where I wanted to put my money but I thought if I am going to get a front carrier I might as well get one that works well. Well it has been soo worth it. Morgan is only 14 days old and has been in the bjorn at least 7 of those days. She loves it, when she is fussy and I don't know what to do I put her in and we go on a walk, do the dishes, make the bed, etc. Sunday was particularly a hard day, she was tired, but so tired she wouldn't nap, so I think she spent a total of 4 hours in the bjorn going on walks with me outside and then Danny would take walks inside our house going in circles (it was raining outside). So I just wanted to post that this present has been a life saver, I think the most used present thus far, so thanks mom and dad!


Joel said...

I LOVE the cover. Glad you like the bjorn--Thomas always falls asleep after about 10 minutes in it. (this is Kristy)

Melissa said...

I found your blog from a friends and started scrolling through. I saw this post and recognized the cover, it is the cutest girl one i make at the moment. Your little girl is so cute, i love her name. Congrats.