Well if you didn't know, Danny turned 25 this Saturday! It was a wonderful day, Morgan even slept in till 9:00 (the longest she has ever slept). We started off the day with crepes and pancakes, went to sophie's birthday party, went out to eat at cafe rio (danny's favorite) went birthday shopping, took a nap, went to a early stake conference, watched the BYU game with Spencer and Kelsey and ate papa murphy's, and played blockus (danny won all the games, I think it was rigged).
I can't believe that Danny is 25, I met him when I we were both 18. Time really does fly, but with all this time that I have known him it has made me love him more. So I wanted to list 25 reasons why I love Danny.
1. He has a really nice smile with really nice looking teeth.
2. He is a great soccer player.
3. He is really talented at all sports.
4. He is a kind hearted person, who wants the best for everyone.
5. He has great penmanship.
6. He loves me and Morgan with all his heart.
7. His smashing good looks (I really like that he cuts his hair short for me)
8. He can pick up anything (when we got married he didn't waterski or wakeboard, now he is amazing at both)
9. He works hard.
10. He is smart, (and when something is hard like bio chemistry, he studies hard so that he can understand it)
11. He is a great artist, he can make anything with wood, he likes to paint and is very creative.
12. He goes on walks with me (he will usually do anything I like to do, this is very nice when your married to the person)
13. He helps me around the house as much as he can (tonight he did the dishes for me, very appreciated)
14. His laugh, I will pretty much do anything to hear Danny laugh (I will even watch Nacho Libre, or blow on his stomach)
15. His sense of style, he can pick out an outfit for me or my mom and it will totally be in style and look great.
16. His friendships with others. I love how he is a good friend, loyal and there for them when they are in need.
17. His spontaneity for buying new things, while sometimes I dislike this trait, most of the time it ends up with things that really benefit us. Like when he bought the vinyl machine or the heat press.
18. How he makes me feel like a million dollars. He wants me to feel special and will plan fun dates and romantic evenings.
19. He has a great singing voice.
20. His desire to get into dental school (this has proven to be the hardest thing we have ever tried to do, but he continues to go at it happily).
21. How good of a father he is. I love watching him play with morgan and watching her laugh, or when he takes her to the park and she can't stop smiling.
22. His dedication to the Gospel.
23. The poems he writes to me on special days.
24. How he has embraced the goodness of Canada.
25. How we do everything together, like ski and snowboard, crafts, wood working, and how we enjoy spending the time together. I love you.